Summer Black

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the perfect weather today like I did. I have to say that the „all black everything“-trend is one of my favorites this summer! So I wanted to share todays outfit with you. A near all black outfit. Adding some brown and silver details to let it look more fresh, if you know what I mean. I’m totally obsessed with the summer sale everywhere and especially with the sale Zara, want to buy the everything in this store. The light shirt I’m wearing is from there and I fell in love with it right in the second I saw it! Love the print and the light material for summer, fells like you’re wearing nothing and that’s so perfect in the heat right now. But don’t get me wrong I love that summer finally arrived and seems to say!

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Good Morning!

Good Morning! Beitrag ansehen

It’s a detail thing

It’s a detail thing Beitrag ansehen