Street Style MBWFB – Day One

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week  EN | Happy Monday! Whoop Whoop, it’s finally time to share my first Fashion Week Look with you! And  also my hair is dark again. As you may have seen on my Instagram (@vogueetvoyage) posts from Berlin I’ve tinted my hair a bit darker just in time for Fashion Week. What do you think about it? But enough about my hair color, let’s talk about the MBWFB. We traveled to Berlin on Tuesday morning and went directly to the FashionBloggerCafé at the LNFA Concept Store (Bikini Berlin), where I wore this outfit. (I’m going to tell you more about the events in a separate post.) I was really happy about the good weather because I wanted to wear these shorts so badly. I decided to combine them with a red crop top, a vest and white sneaker. Sneaker were definitely the right choice because we were…

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