Monte – Madeira Travel Diary

So hey guys, here we go with Part two of my Madeira travel diary. This part is about a cute little town above the capital Funchal. The view from Monte is just breathtaking and you can look all over Funchal. Also stay tuned cause tomorrow is a new outfit post coming, little sneekpeak is later on my Instagram. This is the view from the rooftop of the church Nossa Senhora do Monte, it’s amazing that you can go upstairs on the rooftop. Maybe some of you already heard about this, cause it’s a really famous tourist attraction. Called carros de cesto do Monte, translated in english: ‘toboggan ride’. I actually had not enough time to try it, but I think it’s really funny and a different way to ‚go‘ down to Funchal. So actually guys, this is the most beautiful view, and the picture is sadly to bad to show…

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Funchal – Madeira Travel Diary

Funchal – Madeira Travel Diary Beitrag ansehen