London Travel Diary

EN | Hey lovelies! So happy that you stopped by at my blog. Before I continue with my fashion week posts (so excited to show you all my outfits!) I have one last post from London for you. As you all already know I was in London in June with one of my best friends. So today I want to share some pictures and experiences in a ‚London Travel Diary‘ with you. But before I start telling you what we did in London I want to give you some tips. If you also just stay a few days in London I highly recommend to buy a 1 Day Travel ticket for the underground and bus everyday (it’s around 12 Pound). I also recommend you to use the busses as often as possible. It’s a great way to see a lot of the city and also to come to your destination.…

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Baltic Sea – Travel Diary

Baltic Sea – Travel Diary Beitrag ansehen