3 Ways to Wear …


… a black leather jacket

Good morning everyone! A black leather jacket is for me an ultimate Must-Have in every wardrobe! So today I want to show you some different ways how to style it. For sure there are many more ways, for example the classic and casual everyday version: Jeans, white or grey t-shirt and leather jacket. But today I want to show you three other ways beyond the casual and classic one. So here we go:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe first outfit is a mix of a feminine and girlie outfit with the edgy leather jacket. I love mixing two totally different styles to make a look more interesting. In this version the only edgy part is the leather jacket, which stands in contrast to the light and feminine colors from the other parts of the outfit. I also can imagine wearing such an outfit with edgy boots to make it more wearable for daytime. Actually I think a skirt or dress for an everyday outfit looks so much better in combination with a cool leather jacket and/or boots. I think otherwise it can look to chic or more like an outfit to go out.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThe second version is personally my favorite one! As you may noticed I’m totally into stripes and layering right now, so yeah striped shirt and some layers and I fell totally happy and comfortable in my outfit. It’s also a really dark look, cause of all the black and just some light accents. But I think the colors and the layers fits perfectly to a grey and rainy winter day.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetThe last version is a more casual and comfy one. The outfit is from last fall, so the colors are all more fall inspired. But I think it’s an easy and stylish everyday outfit. The beige pants are something a bit more special than jeans but I can also imagine this look with a pair of dark blue jeans. This is also the most simple version of my three versions. Plaid shirt, leather jacket and pants with a hat and voila here we have and simple and comfy everyday look.

To see more details and pictures of the three looks just click on the links above. And let me know what your favorite version was? Wish you all a nice and relaxing Sunday. Hugs & Kisses.


28 Kommentare

  1. 10/03/2015 / 1:13

    This is a great jacket!! I really like the shoulder details — great different outfit options!

  2. 27/03/2015 / 23:27

    I totally enjoyed your first and last outfit!! Gorgeous colors and I must agree with you, a leather jacket is a must have in every wardrobe hence I got three of those beauties in slightly different styles 😀
    xx Livia

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