New York Follow Me Around

EN | Happy Friday everyone! Today I have something completely different for you here on my blog. As you can obviously see it’s a little Follow Me Around Video from New York. I actually don’t want to say to much, just enjoy the video! Please let me know what you think about this whole video and FMA stuff! And also let me know if you would like to see more videos about my future travel destinations. I personally thought that this is a great variety to the written posts about New York. Especially a little addition to my New York Travel Diary where I tell you everything about the best places around town (you can find it here, if you haven’t seen it already).

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New York Travel Diary – Best places around town

New York Travel Diary – Best places around town Beitrag ansehen

New York Impressions | Black and White

New York Impressions | Black and White Beitrag ansehen