Natural Shades

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Happy Thursday guys and good morning! The sun is shining already, and I think spring is finally here! And I would say this outfit is my first real spring look for this year. The first time of the year when I was able to wear just a t-shirt and not freeze my ass of. The whole look is held in natural shades and I love how perfectly they fit to the background. What do you think? I’m also wearing a skirt I bought 5 years ago in London and can’t believe that it still fits. And really hope that I can travel to London this year again.
Wish you all a wonderful day, Hugs & Kisses!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Photography by my lovely friend Sieglinde.

Shirt: Weekday
Trench Coat: Pimkie
Skirt: BikBok c/o
Tights: H&M
Bag: Mango


37 Kommentare

  1. 22/03/2015 / 14:23

    Wow you have beautiful hair!
    I like this post 🙂

  2. 27/03/2015 / 6:40

    Absolutely love the location of this shoot. The toned down neutrals of this outfit are just perfect, and the color combinations mixed against this grassland is such a wonderful combination. London is such an exciting place. If you go, I 100% recommend afternoon tea at the British Museum. There are a million places you could go for afternoon tea, but something about having it in a museum is such an interesting experience.


    • 27/03/2015 / 8:25

      Thank you! And also thank you so much for your Great tip about London, I definitely go there the next time I’m in town.

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