November Days

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset


Hey everyone! It’s grey and rainy outside, perfect weather to say inside, watch DVDs and drink hot chocolate. Can’t believe how much the weather changed in just one week. Last weekend was totally sunny, and now welcome shit weather:D

The pictures are taken one week ago, but so late that the sun was already gone. I’m wearing some dark colors what is so typically for this season, but I like it. Also I want to show you my new coat, totally in love with it and it’s keeping so warm. Hugs & Kisses.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Coat: Zara
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Buffalo
Bag: Mango

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24 Kommentare

  1. 16/11/2014 / 19:27

    I love your outfit! Loving the dark colour palette to match the gloomy weather!

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