Hey guys! Hope you all had a great Christmas time. Mine was full of spending time with the family, laughing and a lot of good food.
Today I want to start with a little Review of 2014 here on my blog. I made two parts, cause it was too much for one. So I start with the first part today, with a review of when I was launching this blog over my travel to Paris with my best friend to a lot of Outfits till Summer. The second part of my review will be about the second half of this year. So here we go:
My Review starts in March 2014, so not exactly with the beginning of the year but with the launching of my blog and also with my travel to Paris with my bestie. If looking back know I realized that my personal style already changed in this little period of time. I was wearing definitely more colorful outfits (look on the difference between the „Paris“-Outfits and the „Summer“-Outfits). And I’ve learned so much about blogging in the past 10 month.
My spring looks were a lot about experimenting. Trying out an all white look, but have to add some dark red (Outfit 5), cause I thought something was missing. And wearing different types of denim together (Outfit 6). But still one of my favorite looks the past year was my Look „Frühlingsgefühle“. Cause I’m still in love with mixing different styles (for example feminine with a touch of edginess).
The month I turned 19,bought my first „long“ jumpsuit and wearing high heels nearly non stop.
And finally summer really arrived and I said goodbye to colors in this season. My Summer looks were definitely based on the colors black and white this year. First of all I was trying this whole black and white thing cause it was en vogue, but it definitely was love at first sight.
Let me know in the comments below what your favorite outfit was. Can’t wait to here your opinion. Also Part 2 of my Outfit Review for this year will be up tomorrow, so stay tuned. Wish you all a great Sunday. Hugs & Kisses.
Amazing looks!
Joy. | justlikesushi.com |
thank you!
Love your look!
Keep inspiring 😀
thanks! 🙂