September Plaid Love

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Good morning guys! Here we go with the first fall look! I’ve taken my new Zara leather boots on their first walk on monday. And don’t want to put them of so you definitely going to see so many more looks with them! Also I love plaid and leather so much for fall, isn’t it a perfect fall combination? Got this plaid shirt from, sadly it’s sold out in this color. I think this mustard-yellow is such a great fall color, and especially all olive tones (outfit’s with this color are coming soon!).
Wish you a nice day!
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Shirt: Monki
Leather Jacket: Mango
Bag: Mango
Shoes: Zara
Pants: United Colors of Benetton

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30 Kommentare

  1. 03/09/2014 / 11:48

    Love it!!! The shirt is amazing.
    Xo Fréderique aka FashionFray

  2. 07/09/2014 / 9:08

    wanted to get that jacket but it was sold out in my size:( It;s perfection
    did you get it online?

    • 07/09/2014 / 13:18

      I’ve bought it last fall in the store, but I think it’s sadly not available anymore…

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