Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin
EN | Directly after all the exams at university I traveled to Berlin for the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week to visit three shows (actually two but we won a third invitation thanks to Mercedes Benz for the Irene Luft Show) and the HashMAG Blogger Lounge. Because of the Irene Luft Show we actually didn’t have a lot of time at the Blogger Lounge so I can’t tell you so much about it. However the location was really nice and all the brands there were really interesting. It’s always nice to go to these kind of events to get to know new brands and also the people behind a brand. So this post is actually all about the shows and new collections. But let’s start at the beginning. DE | Direkt nach der Prüfungsphase in der Uni ging es für mich nach Berlin zur Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. Auf dem Programm…
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