Off Shoulder and Suede

Off Shoulder and Suede on #offshoulder #suede #ootd

EN | Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. As always I was learning most of the time for my upcoming exams. So I really hope your weekend was more fun than mine. But let’s talk about fashion and todays outfit.
I already told you a little background story about a piece of this look, which you can read in my last blogspot here. So if you want to know why I’m not talking about where the off shoulder blouse is from you should definitely read my last article. For this outfit I decided to combine one of the ultimate summer trend pieces, an off shoulder blouse,  with one of my all time favorite pieces, a suede skirt. How do you like the combination? And are you also so in love with the off shoulder trend?
I wish you all a wonderful Sunday and a good start into the new week tomorrow. Lots of Love, Jeany.

DE | Hallo ihr Lieben! Ich hoffe ihr alle hattet ein wunderschönes Wochenende, ich habe die meiste Zeit damit verbracht für meine anstehenden Prüfungen zu lernen. Also hoffe ich wirklich, das euer Wochenende etwas spaßiger war. Aber lasst uns lieber über Mode und das heutige Outfit reden. 
Ich habe euch bereits eine kleine Hintergrundgeschichte zu einem der Teile aus diesem Look erzählt, die ihr in meinem letzten Post hier lesen könnt. Also wenn ihr wissen wollt, wieso ich euch nicht verrate, wo diese Bluse her ist solltet ihr meinen letzten Artikel unbedingt lesen. Für dieses Outfit habe ich mich dazu entschieden eines der Sommer Trend Kleidungsstücke, die Off-Shoulder Bluse, mit einem meiner All Time Lieblingsstücke zu kombinieren, dem Wildlederrock. Wie gefällt euch die Outfit Kombination? Und seid ihr auch so verliebt in den Off Shoulder Trend? 
Ich wünsche euch einen wunderschönen Sonntag und einen guten Start in die neue Woche morgen. Eure Jeany.

Bag: Mango
Skirt: Asos
*Watch: Kapten&Son
Sandals: Zara

Off Shoulder and Suede on #offshoulder #suede #ootdOff Shoulder and Suede on #offshoulder #suede #ootdOff Shoulder and Suede on #offshoulder #suede #ootdOff Shoulder and Suede on #offshoulder #suede #ootdOff Shoulder and Suede on #offshoulder #suede #ootdYou can also follow me on Bloglovin, Facebook or Instagram to stay updated. 


38 Kommentare

  1. 07/08/2016 / 17:51

    Pretty outfit! Love the off shoulder blouse! <3

    • by Jeany
      07/08/2016 / 17:52

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      08/08/2016 / 17:30

      Thank you!

  2. purposetonourish
    08/08/2016 / 16:59

    Loving the vibe in this outfit. Looks good!

    • by Jeany
      08/08/2016 / 17:28

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 0:54

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 9:03

      Thanks 🙂

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 9:03

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 9:04

      Thank you so much! 🙂

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 9:04

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 18:51

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 21:15

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 22:08

      Thank you!

  3. 09/08/2016 / 23:24

    So pretty! Love that top with the black suede skirt.

    • by Jeany
      09/08/2016 / 23:39

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      10/08/2016 / 18:58

      Maybe they are going to restock it again soon! 🙂

    • by Jeany
      11/08/2016 / 8:06

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      11/08/2016 / 8:07

      Thank you!

    • by Jeany
      12/08/2016 / 8:19

      Thank you

    • by Jeany
      12/08/2016 / 11:11

      Thank you!

  4. 12/08/2016 / 15:45

    Superschöne Bilder, das Outfit steht dir perfekt <3

    xxx und ein tolles Wochenende dir,

    • by Jeany
      12/08/2016 / 15:49


    • by Jeany
      12/08/2016 / 20:34

      Thank you!

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